Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Detroit. Never been there before. But i read that this city has been through a lot. This is the city where Ford was born. Chrysler. Dodge. Packard. This city is known for the world traditional automotive center. This is the hardworking blue collar city. This is the motor city.

Luxury. It comes from blue collar hard work. Always do.

This is my favorite TV spot for Canneslions 2011. The title is Born of Fire. The agency is Wieden+Kennedy Portland, known as one of the best independent agency in the world. It wins gold in Film category. It's perfectly re-introduced Chrysler as a company that people should be proud of, especially American. It featured Eminem as he comes from Detroit.

The film is engaging while the copy seduced me to stay. It's honest, and tough. The kinda lines that makes you proud to be a part of it. It's punched. It's like if I'm from Detroit I'll stand up and clenched my hand and say "This is my city".

Okay that's enough. I'm not American, I don't know how it feels to be Detroit citizen. But at least I know a good advertising. Ha!

This is the lines (correct me if I'm mistaken)

"What does this city know about luxury? What does a town that’s been to hell and back know about the finer things in life? Well I’ll tell you: More than most. It's the hottest fires that make the hardest steel, at hardworking conviction. And a know-how that runs generation deep in every last one of us. That's who we are. That's our story. No, it's probably not the one you've been reading in papers. The one being written by folks who've never even been here, don't know what we're capable of. Because when it comes to luxury, it is much about where it's from as who it's for. Now, we're from America. But this isn't New York City. Or the windy city. Or sin city. And we're certainly no one's emerald city. This is motor city, and this is what we do."

Some people might think that luxury is come from a place across the ocean. A place that far away. The imported one. The message is clear to Americans: "The luxury is here in America, it's imported from Detroit. You don't have to cross the ocean to obtain it."

This ad is inspirational, so inspirational that Audi is accused of cribbing the video concept and the song from Eminem, 'Lose Yourself.'


Chrysler 200

Applause for Wieden+Kennedy, Chrysler...and Detroit.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Take Ivy: College, Fashion and Culture

Do you love Brook Brothers, J. Press or Ralph Lauren? Do you love preppy or ivy style? I kinda obsessed about the Ivy League culture. College life, dormitories, varsity jacket, parka, Harvard, Princeton, New York, New Jersey, East Coast and Americana. If you like it, you gotta read this book.

Prep style has spread around the world. And talking about prep style, it can't set apart from the Ivy League culture. This book will walk you through the eight prestigious universities in America, The Ivy League.
It's like a gallery of Ivy Leaguer in 1960's. The styles, college life, football and a lot of fashion insiders here. There is not much paragraph on this book. You can finish it in one day, no doubt. 

It's written by four Japanese. I always believe Japan is the best adopter in the world. They can be more "American" than American, they can be more "Parisian" than Parisian but they still preserve their own culture as well. It published in 1965 and spread American-influenced "Ivy Style" fashion in Tokyo.

The cover of Take Ivy

I always love this "university style" typeface

Chino and penny loafer, timeless

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You're Not You When You're Hungry

Haha! I really like this campaign from snickers, I like the insight. People lose concentration when they're hungry. They lose focus. Do you like it when you're hungry? I'm sure nobody does. So, when you're hungry you turn into "someone else".

Maybe you turn into a 89 years old comedian...Betty White!

Or maybe you turn into a diva...like Aretha Franklin and Liza Minnelli?

To see a 89 years old comedian getting hit by a football player, that's rude and funny at the same time. To see what so called the "diva attitude" in a group of dudes, it's funny. Of course it's you when you're hungry. So grab a snickers when you're hungry!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Stalking x Analyzing

Hello, this is just intermezzo.

Do you ever feel like "stalking" over someone Else's profiles?

They can be the people you like, adore or hate. They can be stranger, someone familiar or someone close. If yes, I am one of you then. HAHA!

I spend some time to do this in my social networking epic activity. Yeah, it's fun. Instead, i call this activity "analyzing" rather than "stalking". It's for the sake of curiosity.

I don't like the term "stalking". I can feel the negative perspective with that term. It's not like i want to do something rude, am i? I'm not a secret agent, I'm not a paparazzi, and please trust me, I'm not a rapist! I just find the fun side analyzing people's activity or interest.

I just find inspiration through people. I'm not addicted to social networking, I'm addicted to the people in it.

So, from now on, let's call this analyzing, rather than stalking. And you, you are an analyzer, not a stalker.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Communication is getting simpler, are you sure?

This is not a pro/contra statement. Indeed, i may be one of you. I don't blame anyone. Just thought.

You got languages. You talk. You hear. You interact with the others. You wrote letters. You wait for reply. You are happy. Life is simple.

They invented phone. You talk. You hear. You call from home. They call you back. You pay the bills. You are happy. Life is simple.

They invented computers. Life’s getting easy. You put it in your house. You count. You write. You play. You are happy. Life is simple.

They invented laptops. The computer are getting smaller. You bring it everywhere. You have to buy laptop case now, the good one. Your bag got to be bigger now. You need a place to store your laptop. You are happy. Life is simple.

They invented cell phone. You talk. You hear. You call from everywhere. They call you from everywhere. You got credits. You got balance. You got to refill. The messages packages. The phone packages. Cheaper talk late night. Free sms after 10 sms. You are happy. You still got to pay the bills. Life is simple.

Now you got internet. Life’s getting easy. World is getting smaller. You chat. You interact. You got social networking account. You got facebook. You find old friends. You are in a relationship now and you can tell them. You got messenger. You chat. You laugh. You are downloading the emoticons. You can add song to appear on your status. You got twitter. You can tell them what’s on your mind. They retweet. They ask. They reply. You reply. You log in. You log out. You are happy. You pay the bills. Life is simple.

They invented mobile internet devices on your cell phone and laptop. You can find hot spot everywhere now. You can open your account on your cell phone. They got blackberry. They got smartphone. Java. Android. iPhone. Ops, someone buzz you on messenger. You open your cellphone. You smiles. You reply. Ops, they comment on your status. You open your cellphone. You laughed. You reply. Ops, you got new tweets. You open your cellphone. You read. you retweet. You reply. You laughed. You hate. You cry. Hey don’t forget to upgrade your operating systems. It's safer. It got faster internet connection. You still have to pay the bills. You still happy. Life still simple.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Disconnect to Connect

Iklan ini adalah milik sebuah penyedia jasa telekomunikasi Thailand, DTAC. Saya sangat menyukai konsep yang ditawarkan oleh iklan ini. Disconnect to Connect. Sebuah kalimat yang mengandung unsur ironi, tetapi itulah yang menjadikannya menarik.

Manusia terlahir dengan kemampuan untuk menciptakan kebutuhannya sendiri.

Menciptakan hukum yang pada akhirnya harus mereka ikuti sendiri.

Berbeda dengan binatang yang tergantung sepenuhnya pada hukum alam.

Komunikasi modern adalah salah satu contoh kebutuhan yang diciptakan oleh manusia untuk manusia. Telepon genggam, internet, situs jejaring sosial dan berbagai bentuk alat komunikasi lain begitu mendominasi kehidupan sehari-hari. Tidak salah abad ini disebut sebagai era komunikasi. Dunia semakin menyempit dan jarak seolah tak berarti lagi. Dan sejujurnya tidak ada yang salah dengan semua ini.

Yang salah adalah pola komunikasi yang dijalani oleh manusia itu sendiri.

Jika melihat keadaan sekarang, semua anak manusia yang mampu biasanya mempunyai perangkat komunikasi dan gadget sendiri. Anak SD pun banyak yang memiliki BB, IPhone dan gadget lain (saya sendiri juga ingin punya BB atau IPhone lho). Tidak ada yang melarang dan tidak ada yang salah, tetapi tentu saja cara penggunaan yang berlebihan dapat berdampak buruk.

Menjauhkan seorang cucu dengan kakek neneknya.

Menjauhkan seorang anak dari orang tuanya.

Dan seterusnya.

Lalu bagaimana jika kakek nenek, orang tua dan orang yang kita kenal dan sayangi juga memakai perangkat komunikasi modern? Jika mereka berada radius 100 km dari kita, selamat! kita telah menggunakannya dengan bijak. Penggunaan untuk keperluan kerja dan untuk mempermudah komunikasi pun adalah bijak. Tetapi bagaimanapun, interaksi sosial yang nyata dan bersifat langsung tetap mempunyai kualitas yang lebih baik daripada dunia maya. Dan kita masih memerlukannya. Ya kan?

Manusia sekarang tidak hanya "connected", tetapi "hyper-connected".

Saya sering kesal sendiri jika mengunjungi seorang teman, tetapi si teman tersebut begitu sibuk dengan gadgetnya sehingga waktu bersama saya pun jadi berkurang. Ketika orang-orang berkumpul dan mengerjakan tugas kuliah, nyari ide, tetapi ada yang tidak memperhatikan karena sibuk dengan gadget. Menyebalkan.

Saya tidak bermaksud menghakimi. Secara pribadi saya juga bukanlah manusia dengan kemampuan interaksi sosial yang baik. Istilah kerennya, saya sedikit socially awkward person. Saya juga memiliki akun facebook, twitter, tumblr, dan tentu saja, blogspot. Dan terkadang saya pun belum bijak menggunakannya. Tetapi saya terus mencoba untuk menyesuaikan dan berinteraksi dengan sekitar, walaupun itu mungkin perlu waktu yang lama. Maklum, orang yang pemalu dan sulit mengungkapkan perasaan.

Itu adalah karakter, tidak bisa diubah. Hehehe..

Cukup curhatnya, kembali pada iklan ini :p

Setelah melihat info yang ada di youtube, (OMG, ini kan salah satu media komunikasi modern yang saya maksud) terdapat narasi dalam berbahasa Thailand yang artinya "Stay offline some time to embrace your surroundings. Use the phone just as necessary." Sebuah endline yang sangat bermakna, sebuah pesan dari penyedia jasa telekomunikasi yang notabene menjual berbagai fitur komunikasi modern (mungkin ini semacam Corporate Social Responsibility?). Inilah yang dimaksud dengan istilah "Selling the Concept, Not the Product."

Storyline iklan ini cukup menyentuh dan pesan yang disampaikan pun sangat jelas. Setiap adegan di eksekusi dengan angle-angle menarik diiringi musik yang sangat mendukung. Pasangan, orang tua-anak, teman kerja, teman bermain, dan berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari adalah peran-peran yang ada di dalam iklan ini.

Ringan, mudah ditebak tetapi "kena".

Iklan ini berhasil menyebar luas di (here we go again) internet dan menjadi populer di Thailand, bahkan di China iklan ini mencapai akumulasi 2,5 juta view. Ini semua adalah "bonus" untuk si pengiklan.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Diesel Be Stupid Ad Campaign

Hello everyone!
This is my first post, it's about Diesel "Be Stupid" Ad Campaign by anomaly NY.

This ad catch my attention instantly after i read the copy. It says that "Smart Has The Plans, Stupid Has The Stories." What do you think? Are you stupid enough?

This is their manifesto:

Like balloons, we are filled with hopes and dreams. But. Over time a single sentence creeps into our lives. Don’t be stupid. It’s the crusher of possibility. It’s the worlds greatest deflator. The world is full of smart people. Doing all kind of smart things… Thats smart.
Well, we’re with stupid. Stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret free life. Smart may have the brains…
but stupid has the balls. The smart might recognize things for how they are. The stupid see things for how they could be. Smart critiques. Stupid creates. The fact is if we didnt have stupid thoughts wed have no interesting thoughts at all. Smart may have the plans… but stupid has the stories.
Smart may have the authority but stupid has one hell of a hangover. Its not smart to take risks… Its stupid.
To be stupid is to be brave. The stupid isnt afraid to fail. The stupid know there are worse things than failure… like not even trying.
Smart had one good idea, and that idea was stupid. You can’t outsmart stupid. So don’t even try. Remember only stupid can be truly brilliant. ( Source from Diesel )

Me? I'm gonna say that this concept is "smart". Stupid doesn't always mean "stupid". Sometimes stupid concerned to the words dare, risk-taking, out of the box and bla bla bla... Stupid is breaking the rules and get out from the safe tracks. Stupid is more to be a daredevil than becoming a no-brainer.

This campaign strictly aim young peoples. Young peoples are "stupid". We can be stupid while we're young. We are careless when we are young, it's the nature of being young. Every visual approach of this campaign captured the energy and leave a trace about a "story" behind it.

What about smart? Isn't it nice to be smart?

Yes. But nice guy finish last.

Sometimes you got to be bad. Sometimes you got to try something stupid. You got to know what it feels to be stupid. This ad concept captured exactly the core spirit of youth. This is a story about youth energy, stupidity and...FUN.

Sources: http://www.creativeadawards.com/